Allen Kratz

Allen Kratz

Allen Kratz


Allen Kratz brings four decades of experience in funding and project management to the challenge of paying for communities’ climate resilience infrastructure from New Jersey to Maine. At New York University’s Institute for Public Knowledge, Allen tracked the progress of seven HUD-funded post-Superstorm Sandy Rebuild by Design Projects. In his hometown of Hoboken, Allen serves on the Citizens Advisory Committee for the $230 million RBD project and oversaw floodproofing of the Hoboken Public Library with $2.2 million of federal, state, county, city funding. In Brooksville, Maine, Allen serves on the town’s Comprehensive Plan Committee, underscoring the importance of funding coastal resilience projects with a comprehensive, synergistic package of state, federal and private-sector grants and loans.


March 6, 2020
Ignite! Redevelopment
Salon A/B
2:15  -  3:45