March 6, 2020

Beyond the horizon: The future of the State Plan 2:15 PM  -  3:45 PM Beyond the horizon: The future of the State Plan Brunswick D

Beyond the horizon: The future of the State Plan

Bruce Harris
Dan Kennedy
Danielle Esser, PP, AICP
Donna Rendiero
Edward McKenna
Liz Semple
Michele Byers
Walter Lane

New Jersey hasn’t updated its state plan in almost two decades, but the reinvigorated State Planning Commission points toward progress. What are the latest updates on state planning, and how should the next iteration of the state plan account for climate change and other planning challenges? Join us for this unique roundtable format where participants will work through real challenges in real time and the audience gets to participate.

Session summary. 

Planning and Development track sponsor: New Jersey Economic Development Authority

Session Category :  Planning and Development